In 2020, 1 in 10 Homes Will Have A Housekeeping Robot

Photo by @agk42

Photo by @agk42

In 2020, 1 in 10 Homes Will Have A Housekeeping Robot

That’s just one of many fascinating predictions experts say will transform the home of the future. For my home of the future, I want the entire back of the house to be open to the backyard. Walls will slide up from the ground at night and whenever I need privacy.  I just need someone to create some sort of system to keep bugs and snakes and critters from crossing my threshold! 

Here are a few more ways your home may look a lot more like the Jetsons in years to come:

Houses will be made of recycled materials. 

Imagine your driveway made out of plastic skimmed from those massive islands of floating trash in the ocean. It’s already happening in parts of the U.K.  That makes me feel good – putting to use all that nasty garbage clogging up the sea.

Smart Plant Care

We all know houseplants are good for your health.  I love them and have way too many if that’s even possible. They freshen the air and eliminate harmful toxins. But that’s not all, studies have shown indoor plants make you feel better, improve concentration, reduce stress and boost your mood.  You’ve never had a green thumb?  Smart technology will take care of that by regulating how much water your plants and flowers need to thrive.  And when it comes to mowing the lawn, your robot’s got it covered.

Home Offices & VR Conferencing

As more and more Americans work from home in the not too distant future, FastCompany predicts virtual tools like virtual reality conferencing will become the preferred form of communication in place of face-to-face meetings. You’ll still be able to work at home in your underwear and no one will be the wiser. 

Tiny Homes

You’ll see Tiny Houses popping up in your neighbors’ backyards giving them added space to use as studios, offices and guest houses for friends and family.  I can envision curling up in a tiny home in my backyard reading a book during a summer rain.  We’ll see fewer formal dining rooms and more dedicated in-home fitness centers as families look to get fit at home and forgo those pricey gym memberships.

In a nutshell, your home of the future will be smarter and a whole lot sweeter!

homeJulie Simpson