Tackling Clutter

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The New Year is a great time to start fresh by culling your clutter and tackling those always-untidy spots in your house. I know when my house is a mess, my brain feels like a mess. I’ve read some great articles from home experts like Marie Kondo and Martha Stewart and made this list below of what I consider the top ten tips for tackling clutter today.  

1. Don’t feel guilty giving away that orange polka dot scarf Aunt Ethel gave you at Christmas.  As Marie Kondo would say, acknowledge the love behind the gift, give thanks for it, but if you don’t love it, feel free giving it away. You never know, someone else may think it’s fabulous!

2. We’ve all got stuff on our kitchen counters: coffee makers, honey, salt n paper mills, to name a few.  Corral these frequently used items in a pretty tray.  They’ll look more styled, more intentional, and will remain in a convenient easy-to-reach spot.

3. Use space organizers in every drawer giving everything a place.  Experts say first cull what’s in your junk drawers then use space organizers to sort what’s left. You’ll find looking in these drawers much more pleasing once you’ve got them looking neat and tidy.

4. Throw away expired foods (don’t forget the freezer) and cosmetics. 

5.  Fold and roll t-shirts. They take up less space in the drawer and it will be easier to spot your faves.  As you fold your tees, discard the ones you don’t love.  

6.  Donate clothes you haven’t worn in the past 2 years. When you buy something new, get rid of 2 things that are old.   I used to hold on to clothing that I associated with great memories from the past. Getting rid of those pieces (or at least most of them,) helps me to live more in the present.   (I still have my Betsy Johnson crushed purple velvet suit that I bought 20 years and 50 pounds ago.  As my mom said when I bought it, “it’s an essential.”)

7. Stacks of paper are one of the biggest annoyances in my home office. Select paperless and electronic options for your bank statements, store receipts, and monthly bills.   A clean desk is far more inviting than one covered in paper.

8. Create digital files in lieu of paper files.  Scan paper documents you need but make sure to back up your computer just in case.

9. Dominate your digital clutter. Dedicate a few minutes each day to file or delete emails.   I have a friend and former colleague who was so committed to this concept, she never had more than 8 emails in her inbox.  She deleted and filed religiously.  Her computer and her actual desk were both impeccable!

10. In the powerful words of the petite but mighty Organization Expert Marie Kondo, discard or donate anything that doesn’t “spark joy.”  I would add useful to this, too.  My toilet plunger hardly sparks joy for me but should the need arise, I know I’ll be glad I didn’t give it away.

Here’s to a happy and less cluttered 2020!

homeJulie Simpson